

Ayushman Bharat, Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) |

In News ∙ Government is preparing to include ASHA and anganwadi workers/helpers in its Ayushman Bharat scheme as announced in Intereim Budget 2024. AboutAB PM-JAY ∙ Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri – Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY) is the largest publicly funded health assurance scheme in the world . ∙ It provides health cover of Rs. […]

Impact of PM-SVANidhi Scheme |

Context ∙ A study commissioned by the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs evaluated the impact of the PM Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi). PM-SVANidhi Scheme ∙ The PM SVANidhi is a micro-credit scheme which was launched by the government in 2020. ∙ The scheme is funded by the Ministry of Housing and

Nazool Land |

Context ∙ Violence has erupted in Uttarakhand’s Haldwani district at the site of a mosque and madrasa, allegedly on Nazool land. What is Nazool land? ∙ Nazool land is owned by the government but most often not directly administered as state property.  ∙ The state generally allots such land to any entity on lease for

. Women in Politics |

Context: ∙ Recently, the Women’s Reservation Bill was passed in the Parliament of India.  Status of Women in Indian Politics ∙ Representation: Despite constitutional guarantees of equality, women remain underrepresented in Indian politics. As of 2023, they hold only 14.3% of Lok Sabha (lower house) and 11.8% of Rajya Sabha (upper house) seats. ∙ State

Annual Death Penalty Report, 2023 |

Context ∙ According to the Annual Death Penalty Report 2023, appellate Courts in India – SC and all the HCs together – confirmed only one death sentence in 2023 while the rest were either commuted or saw the prisoners acquitted altogether. ∙ The Annual Death Penalty Report, 2023, prepared by Project 39A, a criminal justice

 Parliamentary Committee on Housing Emphasizes on Phase-2 of Smart Cities |

Context ∙ The Parliamentary Committee on Housing and Urban Affairs emphasizes the need to launch the second phase of Smart Cities Mission for tier-2 cities located between 50 and 100 kilometers. Smart Cities Mission ∙ The Smart Cities Mission is an initiative of the Union Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry, launched in 2015.  ∙ Objective:

 Annual NeSDA Way Forward Report 2023 |

Context: ∙ Recently, the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) has released the ‘Annual NeSDA Way Forward Report’ for 2023. About the Report ∙ It was released by the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG), Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. ∙ It highlights the significant progress made by the

∙ ∙ Inclusivity: India’s highest court presently has only three female judges (9.3%) out of its working strength of 32 judges, as of October 1, 2023. ∙ In high courts, out of 767 permanent and additional judges in the high courts across India, only 103 are female judges (i.e 13.42%). ∙ The district judiciary, however,

Preamble to the Constitution of India |

Context  ∙ The Supreme Court recently asked if the Preamble of the Constitution could have been amended without changing the date of its adoption on November 26, 1949.  Background ∙ The Preamble was amended only once in December 1976 through the 42nd Constitutional Amendment to make two changes: ∙ The phrase “unity of the nation”

Parliamentary Standing Committee on Legal Aid |

Context ∙ The Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice has recently underscored the need to have additional Posts In NALSA. Parliamentary Standing Committee on Legal Aid

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