 Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Bill |

 Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Bill

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The Centre introduced a Bill in the Lok Sabha titled “The Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Bill, 2024” to curb leaks, malpractices as well as organized malpractices in recruitment examinations

About the bill

∙ It outlines 15 unfair practices, such as leaking question papers, colluding to leak them, unauthorised possession of materials such as question paper or an Optical Mark Recognition response sheet, providing answers by unauthorised individuals, assisting candidates without authorisation, manipulating exam conditions, conducting fake exams, issuing fraudulent admit cards, and more.

∙ Coverage : It will cover entrance examinations held by the Union Public Service Commission, the Staff Selection Commission, the Railways, banking recruitment examinations and all computer-based examinations conducted by the National Testing Agency.

∙ It will also cover entrance tests such as NEET, JEE, and CUET.

∙ Punishment : “All offences under this Act, shall be cognizable, non-bailable and non-compoundable. 

∙ It proposes a punishment of a minimum of three to five years of imprisonment to curb cheating and for those involved in organised crimes of cheating will face five to 10 years of imprisonment and a minimum fine of Rs 1 crore.

∙ In case of institution found guilty, attachment and forfeiture of property and proportionate cost of examination to be recovered from it

∙ Objectives and Need : In the last few years, leaks of question papers and organised cheating had affected the interests of lakhs of student due to cancellation of tests and examinations

∙ The bill is aimed at preventing organised gangs and institutions that are involved in unfair means for monetary gains, but it protects candidates from its provisions.∙ It is aimed to bring greater transparency, fairness and credibility to the public examination systems and to reassure the youth that their sincere and genuine efforts will be fairly rewarded and their future is safe.

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