
Current Affairs

NISAR Satellite |

Context: ∙ Indo-US satellite- NISAR is to study Earth’s cryospheric changes which will help in natural resource, hazard management About the NISAR ∙ NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) represents a first-of-its-kind collaboration between NASA  and  ISRO  for  an Earth-observing mission. ∙ The radar satellite is set to launch in 2024 ∙ The goal of NISAR […]

Three-Drug Regimen for Treating Leprosy  |

Context: ∙ The Central government has approved a new treatment regimen for leprosy, aiming to stop its transmission at the sub-national level by 2027. Three-drug regimen ∙ The WHO has recommended this treatment regimen in 2015. ∙ It consists of three drugs — dapsone, rifampicin and clofazimine. The combination is referred to as MDT (multidrug

Cannabis Compound having Antibiotic Effects |

Context ∙ Scientists at CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM), Jammu, have found that phytocannabinoids, a class of compounds found in the cannabis plant, possess some hitherto unexplored antibiotic properties. About the study ∙ The study specifically focused on tetrahydrocannabidiol (THCBD), a phytocannabinoid, and its efficacy against Staphylococcus aureus, a bacteria contributing to antibiotic resistance.

D.K. Basu Judgment |

Context ∙ Recently the Supreme Court of India highlighted the D.K. Basu Judgment (1996) against police abuse and custodial violence. About the D.K. Basu vs. State of West Bengal Case (1996): ∙ It is a landmark judgement of the Supreme Court of India in the realm of human rights jurisprudence, and drawing attention to deaths

Ingenuity: Mars Helicopter |

Context ∙ The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) regained contact with its Mars Ingenuity Helicopter after its 72nd flight. About Ingenuity ∙ It is a small robotic chopper and the first aircraft to make a powered, controlled flight sent to Mars on an experimental basis. ∙ It has been called a ‘Wright Brothers moment’.

Public Stockholding for Food Grains  |

Context ∙ India, in the 13th ministerial conference (MC13) of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) will push for a solution of the issue on public stockholding for food grains. What is the issue of Public Stock Holding? ∙ Public stockholding programme is a policy tool used by the government to meet food security and safeguard

Distress Alert Transmitter |

Context ∙ Recently, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) upgraded its Distress Alert Transmitter (DAT) as Second Generation DAT (DAT-SG) to aid Search and Rescue Operations in the Maritime Domain. Second Generation DAT (DAT-SG) ∙ It can receive messages from the control centre, allowing for the transmission of advance alerts about bad weather, cyclones, tsunamis,

 Soil-powered Fuel Cell |

Context ∙ Recently, scientists have developed a new fuel cell, claiming it can harvest energy from microbes (bacteria) living in the soil. About the Soil-powered fuel cell ∙ It is a new technology that generates power with the help of microbes in the soil instead of chemicals. ∙ The microbes release electrons during the decomposition

India’s First Graphene Centre |

Context ∙ The Union government recently launched India’s first graphene centre (IICG) in Kerala. ∙ The centre was established to foster research and development, product innovation and capacity building in the area of graphene and 2D material systems. About the Graphene ∙ Graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb Applications ∙

 North Korea tested solid-fuel missiles |

Context North Korea has tested a new solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). What is Solid-Fuel Technology? ∙ Solid fuel missiles are rockets that use a prepackaged propellant mixture of fuel and oxidiser, as opposed to liquid-fueled missiles which require separate tanks for fuel and oxidizer. ∙ Metallic powders such as aluminum often serve as the

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